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The Early Sixties

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During this period, both grandad and mum used five-year diaries. Our family expanded. I was born in June 1960 and my brother, Alan, was born in June 1962. We moved from Kirkby to Norwich in 1960. There were more weddings during this period and  a number of friends and family had children. In 1963, Alan was quite unwell and was diagnosed with Coeliac disease. Our move meant we left Trinity in Kirkby and joined Mile Cross Methodist Church in Norwich. During this period, mum and dad bought their first vehicle, a van, which they later replaced with a Vauxhall Viva

The diaries contain a lot of information about entertainment in the early 1960s including parties, trips out and visits to and from friends and family. During this period, Tricia started school, first at St Christopher's and then at our local school in Kinsale Avenue. The reason we had moved to Norwich was so that dad could take up a job with the Norwich Union branch office as chief clerk. The diaries cover other aspects of life in the early sixties including music, television and other technology.  Both grandad and mum continued to use their practical skills in different ways. The diaries did cover some external events including the Cuban Missile Crisis and the assassination of President Kennedy. 

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